In the fogbound coastal town of Kurouzu-cho, a chilling curse grips its inhabitants. Shuichi Saito and his girlfriend Kirie Goshima uncover a sinister force lurking beneath the surface?not a vengeful spirit, but a haunting pattern: UZUMAKI, the mesmerizing spiral that reveals the terrifying secrets of existence. As they delve deeper into the town?s eerie phenomena, they confront a series of bizarre and horrifying events linked to this spiral shape, pulling them into a nightmare from which there is no escape. This masterful horror manga brings together all the chilling tales of Kurouzu-cho in one gripping volume, inviting readers to spiral into a whirlpool of dread. Experience the brilliance of Junji Ito’s storytelling and illustrations as you grapple with the unsettling truths that spiral away from sanity and into madness.